
The United Kingdom Arts and Design Institutions Association (ukadia) is a group of specialist arts and design institutions from across the UK’s higher and further education sectors.

We aim

  • to promote, nationally and internationally, the key contributions of specialist colleges to the UK’s world-renowned reputation in visual arts, performance and the creative and cultural industries
  • to work together as a network to widen participation in Higher Education and encourage mobility into professions serving the creative and cultural industries.


2010 saw the National Arts Learning Network (NALN) incorporate into ukadia. NALN was a Lifelong Learning Network (LLN), part of a HEFCE initiative which was funded over four years to improve progression of vocational learners to Higher Education.

Sharing the same membership of specialist colleges, the merger offers greater opportunities for ukadia’s network of institutions to further strengthen its role in shaping the growth and diversity of the UK’s creative and cultural industries workforce.


Woburn House
20 Tavistock Square
London WC1H 9HB
Tel: 020 3393 6132
Charity Number: 1012218

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