NALN and ukadia Conference 2010
The first joint conference of NALN and ukadia
NALN has established itself as a significant arts widening participation network over the last four years, and ukadia promotes the key contributions of the specialist colleges to the UK?s world-renowned reputation in the creative and cultural industries.
This conference offered the first opportunity for NALN and ukadia to move forward together, strengthening the voice of the specialist colleges and allowing specialist institutions to work more collaboratively. The conference provided opportunities for networking, partnership working and sharing good practice on widening participation and other issues pertinent to specialist colleges. Focus remained on the key issues that continue to be important to both NALN and ukadia.
Day One looked at:
The future development of widening participation in art, design & performing arts in Higher Education.
Day Two looked at:
Prevalent issues facing the specialist arts institutions, in the light of the current socio-economic climate and the impending election year.
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