2011 Conference workshop session – Contribution of HE to the Creative Economy

Brian McLaren, Business Development Director, EKOS

Last year, Universities UK, in partnership with UKADIA, GuildHE, CHEAD, Skillset and Research Councils UK, commissioned a national research study to establish the contribution of higher education to the growth of the creative economy in the UK. The research focussed specifically on two broad themes – research and innovation, and skills, employability and entrepreneurship – and provided recommendations for action by government, higher education and industry to continue to enhance the crucial and multifaceted role that higher education plays in this sector.

This workshop provides an opportunity to reflect on the findings of this research, and consider the implications for individual higher education institutions and their partners. It will be led by Brian McLaren of EKOS, who led the research process. Brian will present the main findings of the study, drawing on research evidence and case study examples, and will highlight the main opportunities and challenges for higher education institutions seeking to engage with the creative economy.

The presentation will be short and focussed, leaving time for participants to discuss and explore the issues raised in more depth and consider their own individual or organisational responses.

The report is available at www.universitiesuk.ac.uk/highereducation/Pages/CreatingProsperityTheRoleOfHigherEducation.aspx


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