AccessHE have published a guide to support young people in applying for creative courses. The Creative HE Apply Guide has been created in collaboration with the AccessHE Creative Network, which develops coordinated strategies to support under-represented young people in London learn more about the range of creative qualifications together with employment opportunities.

The guide has been developed in the context of the EBacc and declining take-up of creative subjects at GCSE-level. It offers information and support for learners interested in applying to creative HE courses at the likes of:

  • The Conservatoire for Dance and Drama
  • Ravensbourne University London
  • Rose Bruford College of Theatre and Performance
  • St Mary’s University, Twickenham
  • Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
  • University for the Creative Arts
  • University of Westminster

The full report can be read here, or on the Access HE website.


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